martes, 16 de abril de 2013

CA1 (continous assessment 1)

    Act 01

1) what is your favorite dog breed's name?
Black and Tan Coonhound :
Not the prototypical house dog, the black and tan coonhound, nonetheless, makes an exemplary pet. It is mellow, amiable, calm and unobtrusive indoors. Outdoors, its strong hunting instincts take over, and it can be difficult, if not impossible, to turn from a track after it starts trailing. As befitting a dog with its heritage, the black and tan is strong, independent and stubborn. It is gentle and tolerant with children, but it may be too independent to satisfy a playful child. It is reserved with strangers. It may bay and howl

2) vocabulary activity:
sprinter: velocista, corredor
jogger: trotador
breed: cruza
to hunt: cazar
laid-back approach: despreocupado, relajado
watchdog: perro guardian
grooming: aseo, cuidado

“couch potato”: sedentario
Among: entre otros
Towards: hacia
Round: completo, entero
Tan: bronceado, quemado

     Act 02

Symmary: “Can dogs understand what we say?”
Basically, dogs can understand words if they are mostly associated to concrete things, it´s important for them too, the way we say the words, this help to improve their assimilations. Dogs can understand each other in their typical dog language (mainly non-verbal); their butts can say a lot of them too…

Accurately: con precisión, exactamente
Toddler: niño pequeño
Skills: talento, habilidad
Whether: aunque, si
Marvel: sorprenderse, maravillarse
Average: corriente, común

     Act 03

“Too Cute”: I would really like to watch this show because I love cute animals, they make me feel like “oh my god I love them... I really love them more than anything in this world, oh my god, how can they be so cute!!?”
“Animal Cops”: I like this show because they are a kind of superheroes of animals. They want justice for pets, to improve their lives and their healthy…  “Animal Cops” will really catch me.
Whale wars: Viking shores:  This show attracts me because I love the people who make things for animals, and give themselves and their lives for animal justice, even if this includes go to the jail.

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